Monday, July 27, 2009

Universal Laws

Since I started my journey towards achieving freedom, I've been made aware of some universal laws.

What is a law?
"a sequence of events in nature or in human activities that has been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions" (

These laws are in effect whether you are aware of them or not. For example, you might not understand the law of gravity, and you might not be aware that there's such a law, but that does not change the fact that if you jump off of a building, you WILL still hit the ground.

The same holds true for these Universal Laws. But once you understand them, you can have more control over your life. You can take certain actions to ensure that you profit from these Universal Laws.

There are many Universal Laws, or Universal Truths. I'll attempt to share (in a nutshell) 7 of them:
  1. Law of Sowing & Reaping
  2. Law of Polarity
  3. Law of Germination
  4. Law of Vibration
  5. Law of Vacuum
  6. Law of Circulation
  7. Law of Creativity (Thoughts)
Do come back and check my updates on these Universal Laws.

My next write up : The Law of Sowing and Reaping

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Master Mind Power?

I'm soooo excited to share this with you now, because I've had a chance to try this myself, and it is almost unbelievable how powerful this is:

I apologize if I get right to the point, but this is too important to spend a bunch of time dancing around it. Let me explain...

One thing I've noticed along the way is how difficultit can be to try and get your "inner game" finely tuned so you actually can achieve what you want in life. This applies to business, personal life, finances ... EVERYTHING.

Sure, you can set goals and all that, but somehow you just seem to lose focus before you get there. It's kind of like too much garbage gets in the way, you know?

All that is about to change!

Because now there is a powerful way to literally set your sights on what you want to happen in your life, and then GET IT--simply by watching a movie.

I'm NOT kidding. The best thing is for you to see how this works for yourself. I think you'll catch the vision very quickly when you do. Watch this to find out how to achieve anything you want:

P.S. I Almost forgot to mention, they have some great bonuses ... so check them out, and see how this can help achieve all your goals in life.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Take Action

Like any kid, Christmas is a magical and blessed time for my eldest son. One Christmas, he received many gifts from family and friends; books, toys and clothes. However, he did not get what he was really wishing for innovative construction toy which cost an arm and a leg.

He came up to me and asked how he could get that particular toy. He asked if a kid like him (not yet 10 years old at that time) could go to work and make some money. Hoping to instill some entrepreneurial spirit in him, we had a discussion on ways of making money.

Damian finally decided that he wants to make and sell Valentine’s Day Cards. He started talking about what he would do… which material he would use, what patterns to draw. He even did a rough sketch on a piece of paper. Then he checked with us to ensure that making and selling cards will not put a kid in jail. He was just the perfect planner!

Meanwhile, his sister Stephanie (just celebrated 7th birthday) after listening to her big brother's plans, said “Hey, I want to do that too!” She took a piece of my expensive A4 paper, folded it into half and immediately started drawing and colouring.

That night, a few friends came to our house for a post-Christmas dinner. Stephanie showed her masterpiece hoping someone will buy it from her. We good-naturedly started an auction, with bidding price starting at 50cents. Our friends joined in the fun and the final price was at $3.80 !!!!

Stephanie was esctatic! “WOW!!!!”

Damian was … “Hey wait a minute! That was my idea!!”

Too bad Damian. Thanks for all your planning. You might be a step closer to getting that wonderful construction toy if you had taken ACTION.

Familiar, anyone?