Monday, April 27, 2009

My Garden 2

I had a beautiful garden during Chinese New Year. Many who came to my open house marveled that I, a busy mom and entrepreneur had the time to take care of it, and the flowers that were blooming were indeed impressive. I was of course very proud of my achievements and told anyone who would listen that ‘it’s nothing, just takes a little determination.’

A few weeks later, to my horror, I noticed that a big chunk of plants from my garden is missing! Gone were the beautiful flowering shrubs. The big leafy plant of which I was so proud of was yellowing and one of the small trees has died!

It turned out that my well-intentioned maid decided to help me weed out the garden. She said that the weeds were growing wild, and she took up a changkul (hoe), and the rest is history!

Aaarrrgghhhhh! To tell the truth, I talked to my maid ‘loudly’ (err… VERY loudly), telling her to LEAVE MY GARDEN ALONE!!! She mumbled an apology saying that she was only trying to help, since I was too busy to tend to my garden.

A sudden realization came to me. How many of us, in our quest for more success, and in our everyday ‘busyness’, have yet again neglected to tend to the most important garden we own?

Our mind is just like my garden. It needs tending to on a consistent basis. And if we don’t do it ourselves, sometimes some well-intention friend or relative will ‘tend our garden’ for us.

Thank God it was only a small part of my garden that my maid destroyed. What would have happened if I allow someone else to destroy my hard-earn self confidence and leadership qualities due to lack of care?

So, what I did was… got myself some quiet time, did some ‘weeding’ (reflections on my successes and failures). I reviewed my goal-list and made some adjustments. I also picked up a half-read book, promising myself that I will finish it without being way-laid by busyness.

All in all, I feel more positive, more determined that this year, I would have yet another bouquet of achievements to share with those whom I love.

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