he Law of polarity (also known as the Law of Opposites) states everything in the universe has its opposite.
inside / outside.
top / bottom.
right / left
front / back.
Every up has a down and every down has an up.
If something you perceive to be bad happens, there has to be something good about it.
The law of polarity not only states that everything has an opposite...it is equal and opposite. It's like a pendulum. If it swings only 2 inch to the left, it'll swing back and goes only 2 inch to its right.
The law of polarity in life gives hope.
If you are at a 'low' point in your life, know that there is the potential to swing back to a 'high'. What we have to do is taking the right action to change directions.
The Law of Polarity helps us appreciate the highs (after we've experienced the lows)
We can only appreciate light after experiencing and knowing darkness.
When there is failure there must also be an opportunity for success.
With every problem. there is a solution.
We need raise our 'awareness' to look for the opposite.
The next time a 'bad' thing happens to you, step back and look for the opposite (good, or opportunity) and see what you find. It's there!
By understanding this simple Law, we will be able to control and shape our life.
The natural laws of living work in perfect harmony with each other and the more we learn and practice them the faster we will create the life we desire.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Law of Sowing and Reaping
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." (The Bible)
In other words, "sowing and reaping", will be as unchangeable and predictable as day and night.
Sowing and reaping is a law that always works the same way for everyone. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. If I sow apple seeds, I'll get an apple tree, not orange. If I sow tomato seeds, I'll get tomato, not potato. You get the gist.
Essentially, this means that every action has a predictable consequence.
Many people are afraid that if they give anything away, they won't have anything left for themselves. But the opposite is true. The more seeds you 'throw out', the bigger the harvest!
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." (The Bible)
There is a lapse of time between the sowing and the reaping. An apple tree does not sprout out immediately after sowing. And because many people do not see the fruits of their sowing immediately, they give up too soon.
Many people wants success but do not do what is necessary to sow (and subsequently water) the Seeds of Success. They know they have to change themselves, read the right books, listen to the right seminar, meet the right people and apply the right knowledge. But they cant do it.
Because it's too tedious,
It's too difficult,
It's too much work.
The sun is too hot,
There's not enough rain.
The pests are eating the crops!!
The government is not helping
My boss demands too much
My colleagues are stupid
Excuses! excuses! excuses!
The law of sowing and reaping always work. When you sow 'Excuses', guess what you'll reap?
Where would you like to be in a year's time? In 2 years? in 5? What kind of seed will you be sowing today? You'll reap exactly that!
In other words, "sowing and reaping", will be as unchangeable and predictable as day and night.
Sowing and reaping is a law that always works the same way for everyone. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. If I sow apple seeds, I'll get an apple tree, not orange. If I sow tomato seeds, I'll get tomato, not potato. You get the gist.
Essentially, this means that every action has a predictable consequence.
- If I sow kindness, most likely I'll encounter kindness from other people.
- If I sow and invest time in acquiring knowledge, I'll sow the benefits of the knowledge applied.
- And If I am lazy in certain endeavors, chances are, I'll not be very successful in those endeavors
Many people are afraid that if they give anything away, they won't have anything left for themselves. But the opposite is true. The more seeds you 'throw out', the bigger the harvest!
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." (The Bible)
There is a lapse of time between the sowing and the reaping. An apple tree does not sprout out immediately after sowing. And because many people do not see the fruits of their sowing immediately, they give up too soon.
Many people wants success but do not do what is necessary to sow (and subsequently water) the Seeds of Success. They know they have to change themselves, read the right books, listen to the right seminar, meet the right people and apply the right knowledge. But they cant do it.
Because it's too tedious,
It's too difficult,
It's too much work.
The sun is too hot,
There's not enough rain.
The pests are eating the crops!!
The government is not helping
My boss demands too much
My colleagues are stupid
Excuses! excuses! excuses!
The law of sowing and reaping always work. When you sow 'Excuses', guess what you'll reap?
Where would you like to be in a year's time? In 2 years? in 5? What kind of seed will you be sowing today? You'll reap exactly that!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Universal Laws
Since I started my journey towards achieving freedom, I've been made aware of some universal laws.
What is a law?
"a sequence of events in nature or in human activities that has been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions" (http://www.yourdictionary.com/law)
These laws are in effect whether you are aware of them or not. For example, you might not understand the law of gravity, and you might not be aware that there's such a law, but that does not change the fact that if you jump off of a building, you WILL still hit the ground.
The same holds true for these Universal Laws. But once you understand them, you can have more control over your life. You can take certain actions to ensure that you profit from these Universal Laws.
There are many Universal Laws, or Universal Truths. I'll attempt to share (in a nutshell) 7 of them:
My next write up : The Law of Sowing and Reaping
What is a law?
"a sequence of events in nature or in human activities that has been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions" (http://www.yourdictionary.com/law)
These laws are in effect whether you are aware of them or not. For example, you might not understand the law of gravity, and you might not be aware that there's such a law, but that does not change the fact that if you jump off of a building, you WILL still hit the ground.
The same holds true for these Universal Laws. But once you understand them, you can have more control over your life. You can take certain actions to ensure that you profit from these Universal Laws.
There are many Universal Laws, or Universal Truths. I'll attempt to share (in a nutshell) 7 of them:
- Law of Sowing & Reaping
- Law of Polarity
- Law of Germination
- Law of Vibration
- Law of Vacuum
- Law of Circulation
- Law of Creativity (Thoughts)
My next write up : The Law of Sowing and Reaping
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Master Mind Power?
I'm soooo excited to share this with you now, because I've had a chance to try this myself, and it is almost unbelievable how powerful this is: http://www.mindmovies.com/?13770
I apologize if I get right to the point, but this is too important to spend a bunch of time dancing around it. Let me explain...
One thing I've noticed along the way is how difficultit can be to try and get your "inner game" finely tuned so you actually can achieve what you want in life. This applies to business, personal life, finances ... EVERYTHING.
Sure, you can set goals and all that, but somehow you just seem to lose focus before you get there. It's kind of like too much garbage gets in the way, you know?
All that is about to change!
Because now there is a powerful way to literally set your sights on what you want to happen in your life, and then GET IT--simply by watching a movie.
I'm NOT kidding. The best thing is for you to see how this works for yourself. I think you'll catch the vision very quickly when you do. Watch this to find out how to achieve anything you want: http://www.mindmovies.com/?13770
P.S. I Almost forgot to mention, they have some great bonuses ... so check them out, and see how this can help achieve all your goals in life. http://www.mindmovies.com/?13770
mind movie,
Mind Power,
take action
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Take Action
Like any kid, Christmas is a magical and blessed time for my eldest son. One Christmas, he received many gifts from family and friends; books, toys and clothes. However, he did not get what he was really wishing for .....an innovative construction toy which cost an arm and a leg.
He came up to me and asked how he could get that particular toy. He asked if a kid like him (not yet 10 years old at that time) could go to work and make some money. Hoping to instill some entrepreneurial spirit in him, we had a discussion on ways of making money.
Damian finally decided that he wants to make and sell Valentine’s Day Cards. He started talking about what he would do… which material he would use, what patterns to draw. He even did a rough sketch on a piece of paper. Then he checked with us to ensure that making and selling cards will not put a kid in jail. He was just the perfect planner!
Meanwhile, his sister Stephanie (just celebrated 7th birthday) after listening to her big brother's plans, said “Hey, I want to do that too!” She took a piece of my expensive A4 paper, folded it into half and immediately started drawing and colouring.
That night, a few friends came to our house for a post-Christmas dinner. Stephanie showed her masterpiece hoping someone will buy it from her. We good-naturedly started an auction, with bidding price starting at 50cents. Our friends joined in the fun and the final price was at $3.80 !!!!
Stephanie was esctatic! “WOW!!!!”
Damian was … “Hey wait a minute! That was my idea!!”
Too bad Damian. Thanks for all your planning. You might be a step closer to getting that wonderful construction toy if you had taken ACTION.
Familiar, anyone?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us;
it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciouslygive other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
a return to love - marianne williamson
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's all in Your Mind
"I've had thousands of problems, most of which never happened." -Mark Twain
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right" -Henry Ford
“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.” (dont know who. If you know, please let me know so I can give due credit)
"A wise man changes his mind, a fool never” -A Spanish Proverb
"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” - Gandhi
"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.” - Aristotle
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right" -Henry Ford
“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.” (dont know who. If you know, please let me know so I can give due credit)
"A wise man changes his mind, a fool never” -A Spanish Proverb
"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” - Gandhi
"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.” - Aristotle
Monday, May 18, 2009
Balls of Clay
Heard this story some time ago. And received it in the email again yesterday. If you kow the source, do let me know so that I give due credit.
A man was exploring caves by the Seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could.
He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock . Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!
Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.
Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, but he had just thrown it away!
It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel.. It doesn't look like much from the outside. It isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it.
We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth.
May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May we see the people in our world as God sees them. I am so blessed by the gems of friendship I have with you.. Thank you for looking beyond my clay vessel.
Do not ask the Lord to Guide your Footsteps if you are not willing to MOVE your Feet'
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I made a U-turn
I was driving to meet a customer. I know I will take this certain road, then turn off at point X. I have been using this particular road to go to my office for many years. Only thing is I'll not turn left at point X, but go straight towards my office.
I was listening to music on the cd, thinking my many thoughts, when I realised I've over-shot my exit point and was driving straight towards the direction of my office! Old habits!! Aaargghh. Now I've to to drive on for at least 500m before the next U-turn, and from that U-turn, I'll have to drive 2.5 km to reach my intended destination!
Have you ever experience the moments when you were driving home and reached your destination without really remembering what happened, except that there was no accidents involving you? That's the sub-conscious mind guiding you home. It's also something called 'Unconscious competency' (one of the 4 stages of Competency)
Of course I was rather upset with myself. Wasted time, because I was not concentrating on the road, not focused! And I allowed my old habits to guide me. Althought this particular habit is neither good or bad, it costs me TIME.
How many times have we allowed our old habits get in the way of what we really want to achieve?
We want more customers. We know we need to make the calls. But the habit of procrastination is easier.
We want better relationships. We know we need to spend time with the people who matters to us. But the habit of accomodating ourselves first (and selfishness) is easier
We want self-improvement. We should read the book, listen to the motivational CD. But the habit of sitting in front of the TV is easier.
The good news is - there's always a U-turn in front. It may be very near, or may be a little further away, or may even be quite far ahead. But the U-turn is always there. It's up to us to take the U-turn. And the more U-turns we missed, the longer it'll take us to get to our desired destination.
I U-turned. What about you?
positive mindset
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Garden 3
Yes, I'm still on the topic of 'My Garden'
The incident in "My Garden 2" happened more than a year ago. I am happy to report that I have been diligently watering, fertilizing and weeding it. One thing I noticed – that no matter how much I do, new weeds keeps growing. Yes, I have tried to get out the roots as well, but I guess the roots are still deep down in the earth. Or maybe the weeds just got carried into my garden by the wind or a dog or cat? The best I can do is to keep weeding to ensure that they don’t take roots too deep. And the activity of weeding allows me time to think and reflect. It allows me to contemplate the beauty of the other plants growing.
So, yes, we are not living in a vacuum. We are still living in this world, full with its attractions and distractions. Things and events are happening around us. And we will mostly react to it.
I learnt something profound a few years back. The action ‘REACT’ - when we take medication and we ‘react’ to it, it basically means the medication is no good for us. On the other had, when the medicine is working, it’s usually said, "I am responding well to the medicine". So – don’t react, but RESPOND to the stimulus. ‘React’ implies that we have no choice, but we can choose our ‘RESPONSE’. Isn’t that good news?
And when we take time to ‘weed’ out the negatives from our lives, it’ll also allow us time to contemplate and appreciate the positives surrounding us.
Another thing about my Garden – many of the plants grew wild and some also stopped blossoming. Why? Upon consultation with another Gardener, I learned that I have to ‘trim’ my plants. I’ve to cut of some branches to allow more shoots and flowers to grow. And so I did! The flowering trees look so much nicer, and in just a few days, I noticed flowers budding. Isn’t that incredible?
No matter how ‘positive’ we are about ourselves, and no matter how much we’ve already achieved, we still need to be vigilant and keep ‘pruning’ ourselves, keep ‘refining’ ourselves. There are still so many things to learn, so many areas to explore. But don’t grow wild. Grow with purpose! Grow to your potential!
The incident in "My Garden 2" happened more than a year ago. I am happy to report that I have been diligently watering, fertilizing and weeding it. One thing I noticed – that no matter how much I do, new weeds keeps growing. Yes, I have tried to get out the roots as well, but I guess the roots are still deep down in the earth. Or maybe the weeds just got carried into my garden by the wind or a dog or cat? The best I can do is to keep weeding to ensure that they don’t take roots too deep. And the activity of weeding allows me time to think and reflect. It allows me to contemplate the beauty of the other plants growing.
So, yes, we are not living in a vacuum. We are still living in this world, full with its attractions and distractions. Things and events are happening around us. And we will mostly react to it.
I learnt something profound a few years back. The action ‘REACT’ - when we take medication and we ‘react’ to it, it basically means the medication is no good for us. On the other had, when the medicine is working, it’s usually said, "I am responding well to the medicine". So – don’t react, but RESPOND to the stimulus. ‘React’ implies that we have no choice, but we can choose our ‘RESPONSE’. Isn’t that good news?
And when we take time to ‘weed’ out the negatives from our lives, it’ll also allow us time to contemplate and appreciate the positives surrounding us.
Another thing about my Garden – many of the plants grew wild and some also stopped blossoming. Why? Upon consultation with another Gardener, I learned that I have to ‘trim’ my plants. I’ve to cut of some branches to allow more shoots and flowers to grow. And so I did! The flowering trees look so much nicer, and in just a few days, I noticed flowers budding. Isn’t that incredible?
No matter how ‘positive’ we are about ourselves, and no matter how much we’ve already achieved, we still need to be vigilant and keep ‘pruning’ ourselves, keep ‘refining’ ourselves. There are still so many things to learn, so many areas to explore. But don’t grow wild. Grow with purpose! Grow to your potential!
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Garden 2
I had a beautiful garden during Chinese New Year. Many who came to my open house marveled that I, a busy mom and entrepreneur had the time to take care of it, and the flowers that were blooming were indeed impressive. I was of course very proud of my achievements and told anyone who would listen that ‘it’s nothing, just takes a little determination.’
A few weeks later, to my horror, I noticed that a big chunk of plants from my garden is missing! Gone were the beautiful flowering shrubs. The big leafy plant of which I was so proud of was yellowing and one of the small trees has died!
It turned out that my well-intentioned maid decided to help me weed out the garden. She said that the weeds were growing wild, and she took up a changkul (hoe), and the rest is history!
Aaarrrgghhhhh! To tell the truth, I talked to my maid ‘loudly’ (err… VERY loudly), telling her to LEAVE MY GARDEN ALONE!!! She mumbled an apology saying that she was only trying to help, since I was too busy to tend to my garden.
A sudden realization came to me. How many of us, in our quest for more success, and in our everyday ‘busyness’, have yet again neglected to tend to the most important garden we own?
Our mind is just like my garden. It needs tending to on a consistent basis. And if we don’t do it ourselves, sometimes some well-intention friend or relative will ‘tend our garden’ for us.
Thank God it was only a small part of my garden that my maid destroyed. What would have happened if I allow someone else to destroy my hard-earn self confidence and leadership qualities due to lack of care?
So, what I did was… got myself some quiet time, did some ‘weeding’ (reflections on my successes and failures). I reviewed my goal-list and made some adjustments. I also picked up a half-read book, promising myself that I will finish it without being way-laid by busyness.
All in all, I feel more positive, more determined that this year, I would have yet another bouquet of achievements to share with those whom I love.
A few weeks later, to my horror, I noticed that a big chunk of plants from my garden is missing! Gone were the beautiful flowering shrubs. The big leafy plant of which I was so proud of was yellowing and one of the small trees has died!
It turned out that my well-intentioned maid decided to help me weed out the garden. She said that the weeds were growing wild, and she took up a changkul (hoe), and the rest is history!
Aaarrrgghhhhh! To tell the truth, I talked to my maid ‘loudly’ (err… VERY loudly), telling her to LEAVE MY GARDEN ALONE!!! She mumbled an apology saying that she was only trying to help, since I was too busy to tend to my garden.
A sudden realization came to me. How many of us, in our quest for more success, and in our everyday ‘busyness’, have yet again neglected to tend to the most important garden we own?
Our mind is just like my garden. It needs tending to on a consistent basis. And if we don’t do it ourselves, sometimes some well-intention friend or relative will ‘tend our garden’ for us.
Thank God it was only a small part of my garden that my maid destroyed. What would have happened if I allow someone else to destroy my hard-earn self confidence and leadership qualities due to lack of care?
So, what I did was… got myself some quiet time, did some ‘weeding’ (reflections on my successes and failures). I reviewed my goal-list and made some adjustments. I also picked up a half-read book, promising myself that I will finish it without being way-laid by busyness.
All in all, I feel more positive, more determined that this year, I would have yet another bouquet of achievements to share with those whom I love.
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Garden
There's a small garden plot in front of my house. Once upon a time (when I first moved into this place), I diligently planted some flowering plants and weeded it often. It gives me a lot of pleasure to see the flowers blooming so well.
After a while, with the demands of life and work, I stopped tending to my garden. Soon, grass and weeds overwhelmed it. One day I decided to pull out the grasses and weeds, and in the process of doing so, I pulled out the flowers as well. Getting fed-up. I decided clear the whole garden of flowers, weeds and grass and start all over again.
After such tiring work, I decided to take a break, buy some flower seeds and start planting the next time I'm free. Then it started raining almost everyday, and so I can't work in the garden. Then it became too hot. And the haze was back! Then I was too busy. The next time I have a bit of free time, I was surprised to see that all the weeds and grass has grown back!
And so, I started to clear the weeds and grass again, which is back-breaking work, having to squat and bend my back. Big giant ants were also crawling all over the place and there were big fat worms too!! Yucks! All these happened a few cycles in more than 1 year.
One fine day, I was again hacking away at the grass, telling myself that I'll get this garden blooming by Chinese New Year. An elderly lady walking a dog stopped to chat with me.
"I noticed that you keep clearing this garden, but didn't plant anything," she said. I explained that the garden was most uncooperative. It kept growing weeds before I have time to plant my flowers! The old auntie smiled and said it's because I should have planted the flowers immediately after I cleared the weeds. Otherwise, the weeds will keep growing back no matter how many times I clear it. Auntie also instructed me to plant my flower seeds in a small pot first, let the seeds germinate and grow into a small plant, then replant it into my garden.
It occurred to me that our mind is exactly like my garden. We had big plans and dreams to make it beautiful, but after a while, the stress of life overcrowds us. And weeds started growing. And whatever flowers we had were choked to death.
I realized that if we want change in our lives, we must start by clearing the weeds from our mind, and at the same time start planting seeds of `knowledge', `self-motivation', `encouragement', `happiness' and as many good seeds as you could find. And where can we find these seeds? From reading books, listening to good CDs and tapes, yes, even watching great movies, (my favourite is "In Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith).
Other ways? – choosing to spent time with positive friends, getting and spending quality time with a mentor, and taking the time to plan and write down our goals. Attending seminars and talks is one of my favourite ways. Very soon I will have a great bouquet of flowers to share with all those I love.
After a while, with the demands of life and work, I stopped tending to my garden. Soon, grass and weeds overwhelmed it. One day I decided to pull out the grasses and weeds, and in the process of doing so, I pulled out the flowers as well. Getting fed-up. I decided clear the whole garden of flowers, weeds and grass and start all over again.
After such tiring work, I decided to take a break, buy some flower seeds and start planting the next time I'm free. Then it started raining almost everyday, and so I can't work in the garden. Then it became too hot. And the haze was back! Then I was too busy. The next time I have a bit of free time, I was surprised to see that all the weeds and grass has grown back!
And so, I started to clear the weeds and grass again, which is back-breaking work, having to squat and bend my back. Big giant ants were also crawling all over the place and there were big fat worms too!! Yucks! All these happened a few cycles in more than 1 year.
One fine day, I was again hacking away at the grass, telling myself that I'll get this garden blooming by Chinese New Year. An elderly lady walking a dog stopped to chat with me.
"I noticed that you keep clearing this garden, but didn't plant anything," she said. I explained that the garden was most uncooperative. It kept growing weeds before I have time to plant my flowers! The old auntie smiled and said it's because I should have planted the flowers immediately after I cleared the weeds. Otherwise, the weeds will keep growing back no matter how many times I clear it. Auntie also instructed me to plant my flower seeds in a small pot first, let the seeds germinate and grow into a small plant, then replant it into my garden.
It occurred to me that our mind is exactly like my garden. We had big plans and dreams to make it beautiful, but after a while, the stress of life overcrowds us. And weeds started growing. And whatever flowers we had were choked to death.
I realized that if we want change in our lives, we must start by clearing the weeds from our mind, and at the same time start planting seeds of `knowledge', `self-motivation', `encouragement', `happiness' and as many good seeds as you could find. And where can we find these seeds? From reading books, listening to good CDs and tapes, yes, even watching great movies, (my favourite is "In Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith).
Other ways? – choosing to spent time with positive friends, getting and spending quality time with a mentor, and taking the time to plan and write down our goals. Attending seminars and talks is one of my favourite ways. Very soon I will have a great bouquet of flowers to share with all those I love.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"All things are possible for the One who Believes" (Jesus, Mark 9:23)
That is powerful!
All things – good….. and …… bad…… Our beliefs have the power to create and to destroy!
There is no other more powerful directing force in human behavior than ‘BELIEF’.
Heard of the saying "You are what you eat"? It is also true that "You are what you think yourself to be"
It is our belief that determines how much of our potential we will be able to tap. So we better examine some of our beliefs minutely.
For example, do you believe that you can excel in whatever you do? You will!
Do you believe Rich People are crooks? Then most likely you’ll not get rich because you don’t want to be a crook OR you’ll get rich and become a crook!
Do you believe that the product you are selling is the best? If yes – it’s the best and everyone will want to buy from you. If No – you better look for another product, (or simply change your belief)
Do you believe life is full of problems? You’ll be having one problem after another
What are your beliefs about people?
A belief is either empowering or limiting.
A belief is nothing but the generalization of a past incident.
A friend of mine was bitten by a dog when she was small. She ended up believing all dogs to be dangerous.
A millionaire I know came from very humble beginnings. She shared with me her secret to her success is her observation of rich and successful people from a young tender age of 16! This led to her strong belief that she too will become rich and successful. Because of that belief, she took the necessary actions – continuous learning from successful people, studying investment opportunities, networking with the right people etc.
How I feel about myself, positive or negative, is entirely up to me. How I handle matters and life’s ups and downs that will determine the level of my success.
"What Ever The Mind Can Conceive and BELIEVE, It Can Achieve." -Napoleon Hill
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford
That is powerful!
All things – good….. and …… bad…… Our beliefs have the power to create and to destroy!
There is no other more powerful directing force in human behavior than ‘BELIEF’.
Heard of the saying "You are what you eat"? It is also true that "You are what you think yourself to be"
It is our belief that determines how much of our potential we will be able to tap. So we better examine some of our beliefs minutely.
For example, do you believe that you can excel in whatever you do? You will!
Do you believe Rich People are crooks? Then most likely you’ll not get rich because you don’t want to be a crook OR you’ll get rich and become a crook!
Do you believe that the product you are selling is the best? If yes – it’s the best and everyone will want to buy from you. If No – you better look for another product, (or simply change your belief)
Do you believe life is full of problems? You’ll be having one problem after another
What are your beliefs about people?
A belief is either empowering or limiting.
A belief is nothing but the generalization of a past incident.
A friend of mine was bitten by a dog when she was small. She ended up believing all dogs to be dangerous.
A millionaire I know came from very humble beginnings. She shared with me her secret to her success is her observation of rich and successful people from a young tender age of 16! This led to her strong belief that she too will become rich and successful. Because of that belief, she took the necessary actions – continuous learning from successful people, studying investment opportunities, networking with the right people etc.
How I feel about myself, positive or negative, is entirely up to me. How I handle matters and life’s ups and downs that will determine the level of my success.
I shall review my beliefs periodically and find out which ones are empowering and which ones I need to change. You can (and should) too!
"What Ever The Mind Can Conceive and BELIEVE, It Can Achieve." -Napoleon Hill
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford
Monday, April 6, 2009
Go Get It! Period!
One of my favourite movie is "In Pursuit of Happyness". It’s a great movie starring Will Smith as Chris Gardner.
Always hard working and tenacious, a series of circumstances in the early 1980’s left Gardner homeless in San Francisco and the sole guardian of his toddler son. Unwilling to give up Chris Jr. or his dream of financial independence, Gardner started at the bottom. Without connections or a college degree, he earned a spot in the Dean Witter Reynolds training program.
Often spending his nights in a church shelter or the bathroom at a Bay Area Rapid Transit station in Oakland (that scene moved me to tears!), Gardner was the sole trainee offered a job at Dean Witter Reynolds in 1981.
"You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period" Chris Gardner to Jr.
I urged you to go get a copy of this most inspiring movie. You'll understand....
Always hard working and tenacious, a series of circumstances in the early 1980’s left Gardner homeless in San Francisco and the sole guardian of his toddler son. Unwilling to give up Chris Jr. or his dream of financial independence, Gardner started at the bottom. Without connections or a college degree, he earned a spot in the Dean Witter Reynolds training program.
Often spending his nights in a church shelter or the bathroom at a Bay Area Rapid Transit station in Oakland (that scene moved me to tears!), Gardner was the sole trainee offered a job at Dean Witter Reynolds in 1981.
"You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period" Chris Gardner to Jr.
I urged you to go get a copy of this most inspiring movie. You'll understand....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring Cleaning
I received this in the email today, and I really like it. :
Last Week I threw out worrying, It was getting old and in the way It kept me from being me;
I couldn't do things God's way.
I threw out a book on MY PAST (Didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with NEW GOALS, Started reading it today.
I threw out hate and bad memories, (Remember how I treasured them so)?
Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too, Threw out the one from long ago.
Brought in some new books too, called I CAN, I WILL, and I MUST.
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, you should've seen the dust.
I ran across an OLD FRIEND, I hadn't talked to in a while.
His name is GOD the Father, and I really like His style.
He helped me to do some cleaning and added some things Himself.
Yes... I placed them right on the shelf.
I picked up this special thing and placed it at the front door. I FOUND IT- it's called PEACE.
Nothing gets me down anymore.
Yes, I've got my house looking nice,
Looks good around the place
For things like Worry and Trouble there just isn't any space.
It's good to do a little house cleaning,
Get rid of the things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter;
maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.
Bless someone. Keep the Faith!
Last Week I threw out worrying, It was getting old and in the way It kept me from being me;
I couldn't do things God's way.
I threw out a book on MY PAST (Didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with NEW GOALS, Started reading it today.
I threw out hate and bad memories, (Remember how I treasured them so)?
Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too, Threw out the one from long ago.
Brought in some new books too, called I CAN, I WILL, and I MUST.
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, you should've seen the dust.
I ran across an OLD FRIEND, I hadn't talked to in a while.
His name is GOD the Father, and I really like His style.
He helped me to do some cleaning and added some things Himself.
Yes... I placed them right on the shelf.
I picked up this special thing and placed it at the front door. I FOUND IT- it's called PEACE.
Nothing gets me down anymore.
Yes, I've got my house looking nice,
Looks good around the place
For things like Worry and Trouble there just isn't any space.
It's good to do a little house cleaning,
Get rid of the things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter;
maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.
Bless someone. Keep the Faith!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A friend of mine just got her bonus. And it's on her birthday. So we walked into this jewellery shop which proclaimed with it's many signboards and banners that Diamonds are on Sale!
Me - just to admire the Diamonds and she - to really buy one!
We were 'dressed-down'. I was in my old 3-quarters pants and a Tee. She was in baggy shorts and shirt. Well, we certainly don't look like we could afford decent clothes, let alone Diamonds! The sales-people there took one look at us, made a face and turned away - all except this young lady, May. The smile on her face was as cheerful as a May-sunshine.
She quickly took out a small solitaire and showed it to me. I took it, put it on my finger and admire it. My friend continued to browse. I couldn't help noticing the looks of disapproval some of the other sales-persons were shooting towards May.
When my friend pointed at a ring she was interested in, May became very animated, expounding on the quality of the diamond and my friend's good taste. In the end, she sold a 0.5carat diamond to my friend!
While the diamond was being mounted, I asked May outright if she thought she would made a sale from us - judging from the way we were dressed. She admitted that she thought we were just 'window-shoppers', but she has also learnt not to judge and to serve everyone the same. If she doesn't make a sale, it's OK, she did her part. If she does make a sale - GREAT!
I commented that her colleagues don't seem to think the same. She laughed and replied "Yar, that's why I make more money than them!"
What a great attitude!
When we stop judging people on whether they would want or afford the opportunity we are offering, we will also start to make more money!
Me - just to admire the Diamonds and she - to really buy one!
We were 'dressed-down'. I was in my old 3-quarters pants and a Tee. She was in baggy shorts and shirt. Well, we certainly don't look like we could afford decent clothes, let alone Diamonds! The sales-people there took one look at us, made a face and turned away - all except this young lady, May. The smile on her face was as cheerful as a May-sunshine.
She quickly took out a small solitaire and showed it to me. I took it, put it on my finger and admire it. My friend continued to browse. I couldn't help noticing the looks of disapproval some of the other sales-persons were shooting towards May.
When my friend pointed at a ring she was interested in, May became very animated, expounding on the quality of the diamond and my friend's good taste. In the end, she sold a 0.5carat diamond to my friend!
While the diamond was being mounted, I asked May outright if she thought she would made a sale from us - judging from the way we were dressed. She admitted that she thought we were just 'window-shoppers', but she has also learnt not to judge and to serve everyone the same. If she doesn't make a sale, it's OK, she did her part. If she does make a sale - GREAT!
I commented that her colleagues don't seem to think the same. She laughed and replied "Yar, that's why I make more money than them!"
What a great attitude!
When we stop judging people on whether they would want or afford the opportunity we are offering, we will also start to make more money!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Why be Rich?
"Be satisfied with what you have."
"Money doesn't buy Happiness."
"Rich People are bad."
"Rich people get ther money from poor people."
"Money isn’t everything.”
"Don't be so money-minded!"
etc etc etc
Sounds familiar?
I am satisfied with whatever I have, but I am not satisfied that I am limited in my resources to help the less fortunate. Being Rich will change that.
Money does buy Happiness. Go visit an orphanage or some refugees on Christmas Day and you'll see that the presents and presence that is obtained through Money does buy Happiness for these people.
Rich people are not Bad! They don't get their money from poor people. There mght be a few rotten apples, but the majority of the Rich people get their money from hard work and smart investments. And Rich people gave the most when it matters - the Tsunami Fund, The Katrina, Gaza, etc. Check out Gates, Rockefeller, Carnegie etc
Yes, money isn't everything, but money can give you a lot of options in life. Just think: You'll not have to make bad decisions in life, eg: staying in a job you hate because you feel you have no choice.
So, why do I want to be Rich?
Not just for the money, and the personal comfort of house, cars, jewels, clothes and food.
But for the many lives I could change,
The many stomachs I could fill
The many minds I could educate
The many families I could shelter
The many diseases I could help find a cure
Sure I can do some good even when I am not rich. But being Poor has never been fun. Being Rich has and will always be a blast!
"Money doesn't buy Happiness."
"Rich People are bad."
"Rich people get ther money from poor people."
"Money isn’t everything.”
"Don't be so money-minded!"
etc etc etc
Sounds familiar?
I am satisfied with whatever I have, but I am not satisfied that I am limited in my resources to help the less fortunate. Being Rich will change that.
Money does buy Happiness. Go visit an orphanage or some refugees on Christmas Day and you'll see that the presents and presence that is obtained through Money does buy Happiness for these people.
Rich people are not Bad! They don't get their money from poor people. There mght be a few rotten apples, but the majority of the Rich people get their money from hard work and smart investments. And Rich people gave the most when it matters - the Tsunami Fund, The Katrina, Gaza, etc. Check out Gates, Rockefeller, Carnegie etc
Yes, money isn't everything, but money can give you a lot of options in life. Just think: You'll not have to make bad decisions in life, eg: staying in a job you hate because you feel you have no choice.
So, why do I want to be Rich?
Not just for the money, and the personal comfort of house, cars, jewels, clothes and food.
But for the many lives I could change,
The many stomachs I could fill
The many minds I could educate
The many families I could shelter
The many diseases I could help find a cure
Sure I can do some good even when I am not rich. But being Poor has never been fun. Being Rich has and will always be a blast!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Who are you working for?
There's a story that I heard a long time ago that sets me thinking. I'll attempt to retell the story here:
One day, his boss, having noticed this ambitious, promising young man, invited him into his office. The young man took the elevator up to the 101th floor in the building - the penthouse. The boss was waiting for him in his incredibly spacious office with glass walls.
"Come" says the Boss, putting his arms around the young man. He pointed to the view of mountains in the distance. It was a beautiful view, seen from that penthouse.
"Do you see those mountains?" asked the boss. The young man nodded eagerly.
"Someday... someday if you work really really hard, young man, there's a house on top of that mountain.... and if you really put your heart into it, someday ... that house will be MINE!"
That sums up about 95% of the people in affluent and developing countries. Working hard to make someone else RICH.
There was a young man who studied real hard in school, got all his qualifications and landed himself in a job with the most reputable company in town. Because he was young, he decided to prove himself by working twice as hard.
One day, his boss, having noticed this ambitious, promising young man, invited him into his office. The young man took the elevator up to the 101th floor in the building - the penthouse. The boss was waiting for him in his incredibly spacious office with glass walls.
"Come" says the Boss, putting his arms around the young man. He pointed to the view of mountains in the distance. It was a beautiful view, seen from that penthouse.
"Do you see those mountains?" asked the boss. The young man nodded eagerly.
"Someday... someday if you work really really hard, young man, there's a house on top of that mountain.... and if you really put your heart into it, someday ... that house will be MINE!"
That sums up about 95% of the people in affluent and developing countries. Working hard to make someone else RICH.
Monday, March 16, 2009
About Myself in a Nutshell
My name is Gina Yong I am almost 36 years old. My life today is good and getting better. But like almost everyone else, there were some pretty dark times. These times are what prompt most of us to take stock, re-look and perhaps help us choose a different path from the one we were walking down.
After working for 3 years in the USA, my hubby Anthony lost his job as an IT Consultant in 2002 when I was 8 months pregnant with our 4th child. We have no choice but to come back to Malaysia. My hubby was unable to get any permanent jobs immediately after that. Although trained as an accountant and I’ve previously worked as a lecturer in a college, I could not find work either.
As we did not manage to save much, within a short time, we were practically penniless. We’ve maxed out all the credit cards and my health took a plunge. I begin experiencing terrible migraine and nausea on a daily basis. I took painkillers everyday and at least 3 times a week have to visit the doctor for a pain-relief injection. In addition to that I was severely constipated, moving my bowels once every 5 – 7 days. I put on weight even though I have not been eating well, and I had a very bad breakout of acne on my face.
The rent was due, the utilities companies threatened to cut the power and water, and there was hardly any money to go to the market the next day. I woke up in cold sweat and ran to the toilet, vomiting my dinner. That night, I got down on my knees and prayed, "God please, You gotta help us."
And He did! I was introduced to FitLine, a high quality nutritional supplement from Germany! I started feeling the difference from Day One. After finishing one whole set, I was very confident that the changes I noticed were real and not a figment of my imagination. I have been taking FitLine for 5 years now, and many people tell me that I look younger than before. I feel great and my entire family is benefiting from taking such effective, high quality Nutritional Supplements.
After 5 years, we managed to buy 2 cars and a home. FitLine allowed me the time freedom to do what I am passionate about - the development of Teenagers. I run camps and coaching programs for Teens 12 – 17 years old. It’s very rewarding seeing them develop, throw their ‘old cloak of low self esteem’ away and morphed into beautiful, confident and caring people.
I am also a Breastfeeding Consultant. I give talks on Breastfeeding in hospitals and run my own Breastfeeding Seminars. Well, I don’t earn much money here, but the extreme satisfaction and happiness I feel when mommies are able to give the best to their babies makes it all worth it. In fact, I’ve written a book on Breastfeeding and intend to get it published.
I have big dreams. One of them is to build a good home for unwanted babies and children. I want this home to be like a healthy family home, where the children feel that they belonged, not dumped there because no one wants them. I want to be able to give the best to these children without having to stressed-out about money. Of course I will welcome anyone who wants to contribute in any way.

In order to achieve my dreams, I know the most promising way is through FitLine. Therefore, I am going to focus on building the FitLine business. I am only halfway through the marketing plan, and already able to achieve so much (compared to when I started). I know that by working my way up, I will be able to make a fortune, and at the same time help many people achieve their financial independence as well. In addition to that, through our education, a healthier population would be the result.
After working for 3 years in the USA, my hubby Anthony lost his job as an IT Consultant in 2002 when I was 8 months pregnant with our 4th child. We have no choice but to come back to Malaysia. My hubby was unable to get any permanent jobs immediately after that. Although trained as an accountant and I’ve previously worked as a lecturer in a college, I could not find work either.
As we did not manage to save much, within a short time, we were practically penniless. We’ve maxed out all the credit cards and my health took a plunge. I begin experiencing terrible migraine and nausea on a daily basis. I took painkillers everyday and at least 3 times a week have to visit the doctor for a pain-relief injection. In addition to that I was severely constipated, moving my bowels once every 5 – 7 days. I put on weight even though I have not been eating well, and I had a very bad breakout of acne on my face.
The rent was due, the utilities companies threatened to cut the power and water, and there was hardly any money to go to the market the next day. I woke up in cold sweat and ran to the toilet, vomiting my dinner. That night, I got down on my knees and prayed, "God please, You gotta help us."
And He did! I was introduced to FitLine, a high quality nutritional supplement from Germany! I started feeling the difference from Day One. After finishing one whole set, I was very confident that the changes I noticed were real and not a figment of my imagination. I have been taking FitLine for 5 years now, and many people tell me that I look younger than before. I feel great and my entire family is benefiting from taking such effective, high quality Nutritional Supplements.
After 5 years, we managed to buy 2 cars and a home. FitLine allowed me the time freedom to do what I am passionate about - the development of Teenagers. I run camps and coaching programs for Teens 12 – 17 years old. It’s very rewarding seeing them develop, throw their ‘old cloak of low self esteem’ away and morphed into beautiful, confident and caring people.
I am also a Breastfeeding Consultant. I give talks on Breastfeeding in hospitals and run my own Breastfeeding Seminars. Well, I don’t earn much money here, but the extreme satisfaction and happiness I feel when mommies are able to give the best to their babies makes it all worth it. In fact, I’ve written a book on Breastfeeding and intend to get it published.
I have big dreams. One of them is to build a good home for unwanted babies and children. I want this home to be like a healthy family home, where the children feel that they belonged, not dumped there because no one wants them. I want to be able to give the best to these children without having to stressed-out about money. Of course I will welcome anyone who wants to contribute in any way.

In order to achieve my dreams, I know the most promising way is through FitLine. Therefore, I am going to focus on building the FitLine business. I am only halfway through the marketing plan, and already able to achieve so much (compared to when I started). I know that by working my way up, I will be able to make a fortune, and at the same time help many people achieve their financial independence as well. In addition to that, through our education, a healthier population would be the result.
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